
Early Pregnancy Clinic

The WiSE EPAS (Early Pregnancy Assessment Service) clinic, managed by Dr. Ujwala Parahsar and Dr. Keiran McCaffrey, assesses stable PV bleeding, pain, slow rising b-HCG, known miscarriage, and other early pregnancy concerns up to 13+6 weeks.

Undifferentiated concerns should go to our emergency clinic.

WiSE EPAS offers bulk-billed same-day ultrasound, pathology, and admissions to private hospitals for further management.

WiSE Specialist Hub Macquarie Park, NSW

To book or learn more contact 02 9216 7676 or complete the form below.

Cost $175. Bulk billed investigations.


Book an Appointment

Complete the booking form below and our friendly team will be in touch asap to complete your request.